As a Daring Baker I have every right to make every recipe as hard as it possibly could. So I don't own any nice tart dishes or loose bottom thingamabobs. Or measuring cups for that matter.
I assembled the dough. Guessing that a cup of solid butter was a certain weight. Why would you measure a solid in mls? baffling! Once it'd been made to work and chilled I put the dough into a square steep sided dish, stuffed in the (mainly guestimated amounts of) filling and topped it with meringue. I know what you're thinking "that'd never work for me, he must be a genius!".
But I'm a skilled eater and I'll eat anything (see the battered haggis, and battered Mars I had up in Scotland this weekend!). So when mine eventually was sliced (dug out) the runny lemon filling is no problem at all ;-)
You might be able to tell I'm not a big fan of this American mainstay; I think it lacks depth and just doesn't sit on the tongue nicely. Maybe it tastes better when done properly...
But I bet it doesn't.
I like the square LMP!! Untraditional is always welcomed. Glad it worked, even if you didnt like it! great job!
hehe, Great job either way. I love when one is willing to make what they don't even like. And as for not measuring wow, you did great, I know mine would never look like that!!
If we ever baked together I think I'd have to kill you.
No measuring cups???
Still, though, I admire your reckless devil-may-care attitude when it comes to baking. Maybe I need to relax a little ... hmmm ...
Nice interpetation for winging it with out all the fancy accesories , etc. LMP is a love it or not type of pie.
Ha! What a trooper for getting the job done even though you were short on time. You certainly don't lack creativity. Looks great!
Wow no measuring?? I couldn't handle that haha. I've never seen a square lemon meringue pie before though - looks good!
Skilled eaters love their casserole LMP, how could they not? Not scientifically proven but me thinks the ratio meringue to filling is great in squares! I'm with you on the ml...crazy!
hehe The square "pie" looks very cool and original.
I'm just impressed that you tried it without measuring!
Not quite sure how this challenge could summon up American political jokes but...hey. The pie looks good :)
I'm with my favorite cream puff on this one... we'd kill each other working in the *same* kitchen, but your approach to baking fascinates me and I look forward to your challenge posts all month.
Love it! It's hip to be square! ;)
Skilled eating is an under-appreciated sport!
Yours is the first square LMP I'm seeing. Liked it.
As for measuring and cooking, I have started that only recently, 3 months ago when I started food blogging. And the LMP, that's the first time I ever stuck to exact measurenments!!!
mmm my favourite! wanna be my boyfriend?
Tess, tease :-P
Sorry your, cake...ended up being runny! It really is a pretty good pie if it sets properly. Love the innovation you have!
OK, that's just taking the Scots thing a bit far, and leads one to think that you're making fun of the Americans (said as an American living in Scotland and having experienced such things).
Glad that it worked out, even if you didn't like it.
As to why the measurements ... in the States, that's how they measure! ;)
Thanks for your encouragements left on DB! : ) Nice pie there!
naz, seriously, this post is dated in january. where have you been the past six months?! we need some updates. and just fyi, i'm from america and i've never heard/seen or tasted american pie. very curious...
Mona, most rental shops will have Americ... at least my sense of humour is still there! ;-)
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