Therefore when I shopped online I was getting a little click happy. Did I really need all the fresh food I was buying? Specially since one of my Xmas pressies was a deep fat fryer :-D
I've been busy frying everything from chips to broccoli (in an ale batter) yesterday and at lunch before the game (come on Utd!). I would have taken pics of the onions etc... but all you'd see is blurring of hands, food and dip ;-)
Now I had lots of basil swiftly on it's way to wilting beyond control, along with crispy rolls that were not so crispy...
This was when the idea of a basil crumb crust for my organic chicken breasts surfaced. So i whizzed them together (this was when I decided chunky bread crumbs would be best), beat an egg, butterflyed the breast.
With the supporting cast of purple sprouting broccoli and new potatoes ready, it was just a matter of dunk, cover and pan fry.
It was very crunchy, with a lovely moist centre.
PS I wasn't deep frying the purple broccoli, I had the regular sort too. Told you: click happy!
crispy is the word of the day. maybe the year as i expect you will be using that fryer often! i hope your kitchen ceilings don't turn yellow!
Crispy goodness! Oh it looks so good!
It was crispy. Even morr so the following night when I put the rest of the mix on (to get rid of it). Mmm Crispy goodness!
Hiya! Just been reading all your post that i've missed while away. I can't believe what you did to that poor bird! :)
Nothing wrong with deep frying a brocolli. I like it in a tempura...
I made sure it had stopped twitching... ;-)
I'm having tempura next. I've just got back from Spain where my mum bought be Brava sauce, hence the need to make "patatas bravas"!
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