As well as trying different sizes and forms, I added more yeast then the recipe called for. And a little bicarbonate of soda. They were definitely more fluffy than usual, maybe a push it a little more next time though.
PS some people say that cockroaches will outlast a nuclear bombardment... I will still be finding poppy seeds in my kitchen until the last star in the universe puffs out it's last light particle!
PPS that's a long time from now.
PPPS there are no cockroaches in MY kitchen!
How funny! I'm still finding poppy seeds from the bagels I made so I understand completely!
They're behind you...
Hum, those rolls definetely look good !
Great post. Once dropped, poppy seeds seem to be able to roll for miles. I think they may be self propelling. Microscopic legs or something.
those look so good i went and binged on bread, first bread in 4 months! i got down 9 slices before feeling like barfing. pretty good... none of it had poppyseeds though so yours is clearly superior :) excuse me, i must get back to my ribs now. it's a good bye celebration, i shan't see another rib for the next 6+ weeks *sniff* gooodbyyyye my luvaaah goooodbbbyyyyye my friiiendd :) hope you're having a yummy weekend mate!
Thanks Cindy. They tasted wonderful. Nice and doughy/airey :-)
KJ Perhaps we can harness them and make them do our will!?
lol bread is good :-) ribs are good too! I had porks ribs yesterday, and burgers, and sausages, and chicken! Oh, and veg too, but that doesn't count! ;-)
They look wonderful!
That's so funny about the poppy seeds. I bought a bag of poppy seeds today and i'm petrified of opening it without spilling them everywhere!
hahaha way to go with the experimenting. All the shapes look excellent - I really like those rolls.
Oh and that mushroom sauce with the chicken and rice below? *swoon*
The rools were great, I made more bread today, with th poppy seeds in the bread this time!
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