I browned 4 chicken thighs (with skins still on) in a little butter and olive oil, then added a couple of cloves of garlic and half an onion (halved with the skin still on). Lots of salt and pepper, then a litre of chicken stock is pored in... I also added a couple of dried birds-eye chillies for fun.
Once the stock was in I added the two ears of corn, halved, and let them boil in the soup. Once tender (about 8 mins) I withdrew them, ran them under cold water and "de-kerneled" them by slicing lengthways in about 4-5 strokes. I then took the chicken out and de-skinned and de-boned it, and shredded it. Whilst corn and chicken-less I cooked the rice noodles in the soup.
I strained the soup to extract the noodles and onion chunks (and removed the skins at this point [they add colour to the soup]). I put the noodles in a bowl and replaced the soup, chicken and corn into the pan to warm through again. Then served. Then said "yummy!".

Must've tasted yummy. I wish someone could make this for me now to cheer me up... i'm feeling a little bit down. [insert sorry face here]
Must be a pre-holiday blues. lol.
Or, pre-holiday stressing out. I haven't even packed yet and it's 3 days to go...
I've never heard of 'two ears of corn' phrase before - see? i'm learning everyday! :)
I would send you some, but since I didn't get an pistachio'd goods by post... :-P
Must be a girl thing, I don't pack until the night before, or the same day depending...
I think it's the right phrase, I didn't care enough to look it up, it sounded good ;-)
that soup looks interesting...i may have to try that someday :D you're so corny hehe
Even nicer with age, unlike Cat's jokes...
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