Food, glorious food... done my way. Pretence of perfection

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sun Dried Tomato and Olive Bread

This is just a normal loaf of bread recipe. Made with organic flour no less.

Ok, and a couple of additions, I chopped up some sun dried tomatoes (that came in olive oil) and some black olives (that were in brine, how ironic...).

Plus, on top of the basic recipe I added a little sugar and some baking powder; just to see what happened really.

Looks quite nice no? It tastes great. It won't last for ling though... weird that...


Anonymous said...

Homemade bread should never be described as "normal". It is a thing of beauty. Love the sundried tomatoes!

Cat said...

it looks lovely and fluffy :)

Nazca said...

Cream P, I guess you're right. It was a very un-normal loaf :-)

Cab B, Just like the baker X-D

Anonymous said...

That does look delicious, I can just imagine biting into it and getting a sun-dried tomato in the mouthful. :)

Ari (Baking and Books)

Nazca said...

It was lovely and sweet in places. What should I incorporate next time?

Rasa Malaysia said...

It's funny, this afternoon I was thinking about "Food is Good" when I was stuck in traffic and now I am on your site...what a serendipity. Anyway, wanted to say that your bread looks good; had a fantastic monkey bread at my friend's and now I want to learn how to make bread! :)