I diced a red onion and fried in a little bit of butter... ok, a good wedge. Once they'd started to caramelise I added large chunks of the duck sausage and a couple of cloves of roughly sliced garlic. Once they'd had a few minutes to start the fat melting I added a large carrot (quartered length-ways) and about a litre of chicken bouillon.
I had soaked a mix of dried lentils, peas and other assorted "healthy" bits in water over-night, they went in next; along with some dried porcini mushrooms. To be honest I think the mushrooms didn't taste of much in the end, I think they must have surrendered their flavour to the wonderful background taste though.
After exactly 45 minutes (i.e. the first have of West Ham V Aston Villa) I removed the large chunks of sausage and chopped them up a little and mixed them back in.
The first serving was much broth-ier than the encore I took the picture of above.
Like me, what it lacks in looks it makes up for in outrageous talent... ha... I, er, mean... taste.
lentils! you ate lentils!! bravo :)
lol i've had lentils loads, i just don't publicize the fact... I had street cred you know... :-)
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