Food, glorious food... done my way. Pretence of perfection
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Er, yeah... oranges and just more oranges. Six to be exact, I hand... used my processor to squeeze them. The green bits are little slices of fresh mint, the deeper orange bits are orange peel.
It's definitely the healthiest thing that pint glass has ever seen, I can guarantee that!!!
This is mainly to help me keep track of any experimenting in what I create to eat. Not too much reliance on recipes, just my limited imagination and limited funds...
yeah! Orange just is one of my favourite during my diet period. It's a good source of vitamin C!
There's something strange going on here...
one, it's a pint of orange juice and a freshly squeezed at that.
two, not only it a is a pint of orange juice and a freshly squeezed at that, it also has fresh mint leaves to it.
three, it's not a pint of guiness?
My suspicion tells me someone is being healthy :) and good for you Naz!
Your mum and dad will be so pleased to learn the good use of your food processor...
Mmmm Guinness! Everything is back to normal tonight thouhg, a nice pint of ale was contained within in :-)
Er... that doesn't explain the spelling mistakes of course... :-P
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