I emptied tons of chopped coriander and parsley into a bowl of pork mince, then added a couple of cloves of garlic, and some bruised and finely chopped lemongrass. Seasoned with sea salt and pepper of course.
I mixed the mixture roughtly and let it sit on the counter for a few hours. I came back and started to scrunch it between my fingers. i had an egg on standby incase it was to herby to stick together. luckily it was fine by itself (I can now practice cutting holes in my bread and pan frying it with an egg in the middle ;-) ). I shaped the burgers (after wetting my hands [stops it sticking]) and left them in the fridge to firm up.
I bought the salad as a packet (I chose being away for rest of the weekend as an excuse to throw my money away!). I got lamb's lettuce, another type of lettuce and shredded beetroot. To that I added a mixture of balsamic vinegar and lemon flavoured EV olive oil. With a little tomato and seasoning it was immaculate :-)

now that looks fantastically delicious and colourful....dare i say it, healthy too? sometimes you surprise me ;) enjoy!
ps. how is prepackaged shredded beetroot? if its good i'll take a peek around since its such a messy job doing it
The salad was fine. I opened the bad, and mixed it in a bowl and allowed it to dry a little. The beetroot was nice and sweet, and juicy. I'd certainly have it again... actually that'll be tomorrow for lunch while I'm on the train to my cousin's wedding!
That healthy comment is a slur on my good name, but I'll let you get away with it because, and only because, it's you! :-P
Plus, I'm gonna finish it off with a few scoops of Ben & Jerry's choc fudge ice cream :-)
When are you inviting us over for dinner??? That hamburger sounds delicious. And I don't blame you for choosing a fun weekend!
see, thats my Naz. lol enjoy the wedding. Try not to taken advantage of all the drunken bridesmaids k ;)
i'm just getting off work and would like to place an order please.
whatever that picture shows. please have that delivered to my door by the time i get home.
Looks delicious! Nice addition of lemongrass [i just love lemongrass-i always have them in the fridge never letting them run out].
Your burgers sounds so flavourful. Nicely paired with salad.
Have a lovely bank holiday.
Thanks everyone, the wedding went very well. I'd even say it was very touching, if I weren't a proud member of male society. So instead I'll say this: it wasn't bad, food was good. Free drink was a bonus too.
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