Food, glorious food... done my way. Pretence of perfection
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Recipe is here. The only difference was that I used vanilla extract rather than expresso (I don't drink coffee so buying expresso was not an option really).
Oh, i want some of these cookies. They look fantastic. Fresh from the oven... i can smell the goodness from here!
This is mainly to help me keep track of any experimenting in what I create to eat. Not too much reliance on recipes, just my limited imagination and limited funds...
Oh, i want some of these cookies. They look fantastic. Fresh from the oven... i can smell the goodness from here!
did you replace all 5 tbsp of espresso with vanilla?! they must have been overwhelmingly vanilla'y...they look delicious though :)
I can see you hold me in high esteem Cat ;-) No I didn't put in 5 tbsp of vanilla, just a few mls. They were just right!
I love vanilla! These cookies look amazing. I'm like you I prefer vanilla over coffee any day, although I still do like espresso flavours.
but how did the cookies come out? were they as good as they looked?
Those cookies look great. I don't drink coffee either, so I guess like you I'll replace it with vanilla.
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